The Health Benefits of Whiskey

We continue to see articles that first talk about how bad drinking alcohol is for you, then we see another article that seems to be the complete opposite. Town and Country posted an article that I would like to hang my hat on, since it allows me to feel less guilty about drinking my whiskey. […]
With Ice, With a Mixer or Neat, The Best Way to Drink Your Whiskey

This is a fairly common question that I hear people ask and many times I hear the wrong answer being told. “Single Malt Scotch should only be served neat” is one comment that I hear a lot and it disappoints me. It’s not that this is wrong, its just that in my mind it is […]
Why Rye?

A Quick Overview of American Rye As you might figure out by reading this blog site of mine, my whiskey journey started out by exploring the many facets of scotch whisky while travelling around the English countryside for work back in the 90s. My interest in American whiskey started to mature within the last decade […]
Wild Turkey Deal Not To Miss

What’s Wrong With This Picture? Up here in Washington State we are heavily taxed on our liquor (20.5% plus a $3.85/ltr bottle charge – this is a long story that I don’t want to go into a rant about). This means I am constantly looking for the best deal possible on bottles of whiskey. Well […]
Why Whiskey Tales?

Apparently I really like my whiskey and I like to talk about it… a lot This isn’t just another whiskey review site. If you want to know what rating someone gave the latest casking of Macallan or Makers Mark, there’s a ton of sites where you can get that information from. I will review whiskies […]
Whisky or Whiskey?

When I decided to start this site I had to ponder a bit to which one I would use when talking about this wonderful spirit. As it comes out, I am not alone in this question and a lot of conversations (and down-right arguments) have been had in pubs and bars across the world on […]
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